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We're BergDavis Public Affairs

People have a tendency to try to simplify things, but in the 24-hour world of media, relationships and communications things are rarely black and white. It’s the shades of grey in between that often dictate the success of an endeavor. We’ve made spotting those nuances and distinctions a hallmark of our business. Since 1999, BergDavis has been expertly leading public affairs campaigns for the country’s top companies and brands, government agencies and non-profits. We look past the easy superlatives and gratuitous hyperbole to focus on our client’s long-term goals — whatever they may be.

At BergDavis we know that public affairs is equal parts art and science. For 25 years (and counting), we’ve been managing media relations, strategic communications and lobbying for our clients with the utmost discretion, loyalty and professionalism. Our clients’ successes are our successes — end of story.

BergDavis…The Next Chapter

In July 2024 BergDavis merged with Southwest Strategies, a premier communications firm based in San Diego, expanding our practice across California. Southwest Strategies (SWS) is one of California’s most respected, recognized, and successful public outreach and communications firms. For two decades, SWS has led programs for large-scale power, water, transportation and other infrastructure projects, helping clients engage meaningfully with the public and achieve their goals through innovative outreach strategies. Combining the intimate approach of a boutique public affairs firm and the resources of a communications powerhouse, with teams in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Central Valley, Los Angeles and San Diego, BergDavis and the Southwest Strategies family of companies is well-suited to expertly assist clients with projects of any scale.

“Our approach is simple – to deliver measurable results.”


the founders

Jessica Berg

Jessica Berg

Jessica Berg’s background in campaign politics and media strategy led her from Washington, D.C. to San Francisco where she established the professional consulting firm BergDavis Public Affairs with her partner Evette Davis in 1999. Ms. Berg and Ms. Davis supervise a staff which offers the highest quality counseling in media relations, community outreach, government affairs, and lobbying.

Evette Davis

Evette Davis is a veteran communications professional with extensive experience in politics, public relations and public affairs. A former journalist and congressional press secretary, Davis co-manages the firm’s public affairs activities with her partner Jessica Berg. An accomplished writer, Davis has published two novels and in 2014, founded her own independent press.

“You only have one chance to tell your story.”




strategic communications

Community Relations

Government Relations

Crisis Communications


Executive communications


Media Relations

Reputation Management


Digital Communications

A Selection of Past and Current Clients


Related Santa Clara outreach

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Spring has sprung – sort of, depending on your take on this never-ending Northern California winter. We promise not to flood your inbox going forward, but we want to share some updates on our work as of late.

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groundbreaking photo

Winter 2023 Newsletter

This year was fruitful for celebrating project milestones with our clients. From grand openings to groundbreakings, we saw many projects we’ve been a part of for years reach critical celebrations.

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351 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94104

(415) 788-1000


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Strategic Communications

Confidence. A strong communications strategy uses the right tools at the right time, works for short and long-term goals, and adapts fluidly to evolving circumstances. BergDavis designs targeted campaigns that integrate seamlessly with our clients’ visions of success to relay the most impactful messages to each stakeholder group. Our strategies have been put to the test by industries across the board, from telecommunications, retail, and consumer products, to residential and commercial development, biotechnology, and non-profit and government agencies.

Community Relations

Good will. Whether you want to build a new office, expand your facilities, place a large public art piece, ensure labor peace or gain passage of legislation, the key to success lies in forging meaningful alliances and partnerships at the grassroots level. BergDavis specializes in creating and managing community relations campaigns that educate and motivate. We design professional materials suited to your larger message and deliver directly to your target audience. We find the business, community, and neighborhood leaders relevant to your short-term and long-term goals and facilitate introductions and a path forward.

Government Relations

Navigation. It is the art of knowing where to go and whom to talk to. We’ve spent years working with elected and appointed representatives, agency officials and staff members to map out smart strategies for our clients as they navigate government bodies and bureaucracies. We pride ourselves on having good relationships across the policy and political spectrum that allow for open communication when it matters most.

Crisis Communications

Control. When a crisis occurs, the only choice lies in how you manage it. We work to help you control the message and defuse the issue. And while not every situation can be smoothly navigated, BergDavis’ expertise ensures that clients maneuver as successfully as possible through today’s media and blogging minefield. We offer our clients an extensive array of services including media training, media relations, social media messaging and internet monitoring.

Executive Communications

Leadership. In an age when communication is so pervasive, effective leaders must be on message in their written and verbal communications alike. BergDavis has spent years providing counsel to high-level C-suite leaders, college chancellors and project executives. Services might include speech writing, relationship-building, message development and internal and external communications. Tweets and likes shape agendas and viral petitions inform public sentiment, BergDavis believes in honing in on the public issues that may determine success or failure.

Media Relations

Relevance. Not all stories want to be told, and deciding when and how to pitch (or hold back) a story is an art borne from years of experience. BergDavis has a staff of seasoned professionals who know how to pitch the media and get your story placed quickly – or work on an exclusive basis to time your story as part of the larger picture. We have years of experience writing messages and news releases, assembling media kits, providing media training and managing interviews. We’ll make sure when the time comes your issue gets the attention it deserves.

Reputation Management

Trust. Companies rely on this key attribute in order to survive. Whether it comes from Wall Street or Main Street, trust in a company’s ability and reputation is key to success. With burgeoning platforms emerging every day, threats to a company’s reputation can be immediate and the impact lasting. BergDavis gets ahead of the curve to help prevent and manage attacks on a client’s reputation. We monitor public opinion, build coalitions and collaborate with elected officials to manage potential hot spots up front. Few projects are risk-free, but we can and do help our clients understand what messages have the greatest impact.


Promotion. When it comes down to the wire, promoting our clients strategically when it suits their larger interests is an inherent element of our communications services and a fundamental subset to public affairs. Clients trust that BergDavis will craft a powerful message and capture the right words, images and forum to reach the targeted audiences. We’ll draft your annual report, develop your website, deliver your outreach materials and submit your op-ed thoughtfully, persuasively and impactfully.

Digital Communications

Online presence. BDPA knows that earned media only moves the needle so far. That’s why we offer a comprehensive digital media studio where we can develop or manage your social media and original content needs. Whether you need an entire social media refresh, help writing posts, or developing original content for blogs and newsletters, we’ve got you covered.

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